Thursday, October 06, 2005

October Update

Well, things are coming along nicely. I got the contract for one article, signed it and sent it back, and finished a second article for an online 'zine for busy women and I've been making some money with an online gig that I can do whenever it strikes my fancy. I've started work on the companion to the erotic novel and am still sending out queries to agents and publishers for the Bailey Sullivan book, which has sold another copy or two at It doesn't hurt to earn a few dollars while you're shopping a book around.

I actually had the erotic one up at Lulu as well until it was picked up by eXtasy Books. Once I signed the contract with them, I removed Torin and Sunshine from my Lulu storefront. I'm also going to be adding the cover to my storefront at and will post the link here when it's ready to roll.

My son has started working this week, which is a good thing. I so approve of young people working and contributing to the household.


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